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Imminent Impact

Words & Music by Pete Nash & Antony Griffiths

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Verse 1

Your time is coming,

There’s no use fighting,

You need to realise,

This is the End of the World! 

Verse 2

And now it’s coming,

We can’t prevent it,

We need to realise,

This is the End of the World…


And there’s no way we can survive,

I can see it in your face and mine…

Can you feel it now; what it means to be alive!

All our hopes and dreams will burn in Hell!

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Worlds On Fire

Words & Music by Antony Griffiths & Pete Nash

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Verse 1:

Walking down the street yesterday,

I thought I saw you walking behind me,

Shining light above me said,

Watch the sky it all makes sense now,

When you said it’s upside down,

Falling back around behind the river, 

Two dogs paced the blue cage open, 

The hot pavement called my name now,

Chorus 1:

World’s on fire 

The World’ on fire

Verse 2:

Pushing through the broken wire fence

I see the way is always open

It’s so clear as bright as day

The fire it shines just beyond you

But the shadow falls much further 

Clear off into the distance

I can’t grasp the full meaning

I can’t even grasp it at all!


Chorus 2:

Middle 8:

I thought I saw the angels flying

I thought I saw the angels flying

I thought I saw the angels flying

I thought I saw the angels flying

Chorus 3:

Chorus 4:

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Words & Music by Pete Nash & Antony Griffiths

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Verse 1

The Babylonians came to these ancient shores almost four thousand years ago

To prove what they thought was the end of the earth, and the Henge was the place to go.

If their predictions were right it meant an asteroid strike, in two thousand years time,

An impact so big, nothing could live, there’d be nothing left at all!

Verse 2

And just as proclaimed, the asteroid came, and it lit up the earthly sky.

But this wasn’t the year that we’d all disappear, we’d wait two thousand more to die.

So the asteroid’s elliptical flight, would be the covenant of a secret clan,

They made the light in the sky, a warning sign, and a saviour as a sign from above.

Chorus 1

In 2045 - there’ll be no more people,

In 2045 - there’ll be no more mountains or birds or bees.

There’ll be no more oceans, no deserts, or forests, or ice caps to melt away

There’ll be no more heaven, there’ll be no more love…

In 2045.

Verse 3

So the secret was kept, the overseers adept with religion to cover the show

But when should they tell, the people of Hell, maybe with a hundred years to go?

But with invention of man, we may have a plan, if we could only escape the Earth…

And in 1945 to the day, we knew the rocket could be our rebirth!

Verse 4

And now there’s a glimpse of what really could be, our journey away from Earth.

So we walked on the moon as a first giant step, to the ultimate move to the stars.

And final deal would be The Great Reveal, with XXXX to end human life,

Of those who remain, two thousand will train for a new home on planet Mars…

Chorus 2

In 2045 - there’ll be no more sunsets,

In 2045 - there’ll be no more rivers or beaches or trees.

There’ll be no more moonlight, no rainbows, or roses, or candles to melt away

There’ll be no more laughter, there’ll be no more love…

In 2045.



Chorus 3

In 2045 - there’ll be no more hunger,

In 2045 - there’ll be no more sadness or crying or smiles.

There’ll be no more fishes, no eagles, or cats, or horses to ride away

There’ll be no more creatures, there’ll be no more love…

In 2045.

Chorus 4

… there’ll be no more seasons,

In 2045 - there’ll be no more dancing or feeding or wine.

There’ll be no more science, invention, or form, or days to while away

There’ll be no more music, there’ll be no more love…

In 2045.

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The Great Reveal

Words & Music by Pete Nash & Antony Griffiths

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Verse 1:

When we were young, 

There was a beautiful sight we saw in the sky,

Had know idea the reasons why.

But now we know,

It’s the final show,

It’s the End of the World.

Verse 2:

When we were young,

It came as the Great Reveal,

We couldn’t believe it’s for real, 

Don’t try to hide,

Your fear inside

For the End of the World.

Middle 8:

And now our days are almost gone,

And how we wish we’d never been born!

Verse 3:

It’s hopeless now,

But a fitting way to die,

A fireball right from the sky,

But where shall we go?

And what should we do…

At the end of the World?

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Words & Music by Antony Griffiths & Pete Nash

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Verse 1

I’ve gotta turn my back on the Sun, 

Turn my back on everyone,

Until I’ve won again and I’m free

I made it here and I’ll make it there, 

I’ll be the winner, the big dog, just you wait and see


My rocket to ride

My rocket, just me inside

My rocket away from here

My rocket, that better be clear It’s mine, just mine

Verse 2

Sit down old man, old woman and child,

It’s my time, my time, my time to shine! 

They’ll be no room for you where I’m heading,

It’s just me and I’ll be runnin’ wild!


Middle 8

Get out of my way, out of my way, out of my way

I’m on my way, on my way to the stars, 

You’ll all be dead, just dead in ya cars, I’ll be shining, shining bright

You’ll all be there, no more tonights, (And I’ll be long gone!)


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Sweet Deception​

Words & Music by Pete Nash & Antony Griffiths

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Verse 1

Oh Sweet Deception, how you wounded me!

You came unnoticed when my thoughts were free.

How you deceived me in my wildest dreams,

I will never know?

Verse 2

Oh Sweet Deception, so you caught me off guard!

Came creeping in my head when life got so hard,

What motivates you to inflict so much pain, 

I will never know?

Chorus 1

I feel, lonely when you sit beside me,

You say, you only come to soothe my feelings

I feel, helpless when I’m reaching out to you,

You say, you love me still…

… Sweet Deception!

Verse 3

Oh Sweet Deception, how the nights are long…

Your shadow darkens as you walk through my songs,

When the dawn is breaking, I’ll question my soul,

But will I ever know?

Chorus 2

I feel, lonely when you sit beside me,

You say, you only come to soothe my feelings

I feel, helpless when I’m reaching out to you,

You say, you love me still…

… Sweet Deception!


Verse 4

Oh Sweet Deception, how you wounded me!

You came unnoticed when my thoughts were free.

How you deceived me in my wildest dreams,

I will never know!

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The Reverend

Words & Music by Antony Griffiths & Pete Nash

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Verse 1

They call me the reverend but that’s not my name

All I am is legend, and that’s how it stays

But it’s just veneer, this thing that you adhere to

I’m not here to make you feel less than

But it’s clear that you do…

Chorus 1

Tell me the things that ya fear

Tell me when scary things are near

Verse 2

Well, I hope you understand, this thing that I do

Because all there really is , is just me and you

It’s a long distance trip, going only one way

You’ll think it’ll easy, if you do as I say

Chorus 2

Tell me the things that ya fear

Tell me when scary things are near

Verse 3

It could be a pure thing, this thing that I do

But you’ve made it a dark thing, you know this is true

Control and repression, rules and oppression

Have made this a bad thing so I’ve got ya fooled

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Words & Music by Pete Nash & Antony Griffiths

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Verse 1

If I were a preacher,

You’d follow me,

But I’m not your teacher,

So why do you worship me?


No, I am The Boatman,

I’ve got what you need,

Yeah, I am The Boatman,

You should just believe in me!

Verse 2

Why d’ya keep on running?

There’s nowhere to hide,

Your moment is coming,

So just step inside.


Verse 3

I’ll take you to freedom,

Across the Martyrs’ Sea,

It’s painfully simple,

If you just believe in me…

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We Gots To Know

Words & Music by Pete Nash & Antony Griffiths

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Verse 1

Lord, we gave you all our money,

We’ve always paid our dues,

We don’t need no alimony

But Lord we need some news…

Chorus 1

We been waiting so long,

But Lord we gots to know…

There’s been so many signs,

Lord, we gots to know!

Verse 2

Are we gonna see the sunrise,

Will we see the day

Are we gonna have a future,

Do you know if we’ll be saved?

Chorus 2

We been waiting so long,

Lord, we gots to know…

There’s been so many signs,

Lord, we gots to know

Vocal Chant

We don’t want it, we don’t like it, we don’t have no say,

We won’t take it, we won’t fake it, we won’t take the pain,

Lord we’ll crash it; Lord we’ll smash it; Lord we’ll have our way,

We the people; we born equal, we gonna end your reign!

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I Am The One

Words & Music by Pete Nash & Antony Griffiths

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Verse 1

I don’t always seem so bright,

I stumble on my words.

Just like the way I feel tonight,

My thoughts are all absurd.

Bridge 1

And I can see in your eyes,

You don’t understand.

But if you read between the lines

You’ll want to take my hand!

Chorus 1

Coz I am the one…

(I know) how to survive!

Yes I am the one…

I see the end in 2045…

And when I have those dreams in the night, you’ll have to agree

That I am the one!

Ooooh yeah, I am the one!


Verse 2

It seems only days ago,

I had my first sight

(Guess) now it’s just a matter of time

For things to stop going right…


Bridge 2

And I can see in your eyes,

Things are slipping away…

And when I read between the lines

Theres nothing more to say!

Chorus 2

I am the one!

And I’m still alive!

I am the one!

Who sees it all in 2045…

And when you see that fire in the sky, well then you’ll have to agree

That I was the one!

Ooooh yeah, I was the one!


Middle 8

I still see ya! I still feel ya!

You say you wanna be free…

Am I the devil; or his disciple?

Coz it’s burning me!


Bridge 3

And when I read between the lines,

I can honestly say…

Chorus 3

That I was the one!

I’ve had second sight!

Yes I was the one!

Sit with me tonight…

I am the one!

Guess you can finally see!

I am the one!

Ooooh yeah, I was the one!

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The Dice

Words & Music by Pete Nash & Antony Griffiths

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Verse 1

Welcome my friend, for you the world won’t end!

You’re one of the few, and on you we’ll all depend…

You’re going to Mars, but we can only take two thousand souls inside,

The rest will all die; help me decide!

Roll the dice!

Verse 2

See, I’ve been tasked, with choosing mankind’s fate…

It’s not one I asked for, and frankly it’s a bit too late!

See there, he looks a likely one, but I wonder if he really fits the bill?

After all, doesn't he look ill?



But who will be chosen?

What are their names?

Remember, not everyone goes,

It’s a tough old game!


Should they be English?

Or Russians or Swedes.

Or from African nations?

Or indigenous Chinese?


Ad Libs

Roll the dice brother, roll the dice…

Hey look at that, snake eyes!!

Two sixes, does that count??

Should I throw again?

Isn’t this fun?


Losers! They ain’t going…

She’s not going

They’re not going, shame.

Verse 3

Ah, farewell to them, they didn't make the grade!

That’s the roll of the dice I’m afraid, and it’s really not their day!

But don’t be so frightened, coz you’re one of the few who’ll make to the end,

No fire in the sky for you, my friend!



Who else should we choose?

It’s time to win or lose!

The dice decides in the end, my friend,

If it’s me or you!


Should they be young or old,

Or barely born? Ahhhh!

Should they be black or white or brown,

Now I’m really torn!


Should they be men and women,

…or LGBT?

Should they have a high IQ,

Or the strength of three?

Ad Libs

Roll the dice brother!

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Rock Star

Words & Music by Pete Nash & Antony Griffiths

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Verse 1

People say that I’m the man on the street; I don’t agree.

Winning or losing; I’m light on my feet: but that’s not me, no, no

I can’t fight it; can’t even hide it; when you’re with me… Honey,

Baby gonna sweat it, gonna come all the way; just you and me…


Ain’t got no destination; that ain’t part of the plan,

Livin’ on the edge, go as fast as I can


Coz I’m a Rock Star baby, 

I’m a Rock Star baby (you know it’s true)

Coz I’m a Rock Star baby,

Honey let me stay; I’m gonna come all the way with you!

Verse 2

People say I’m winning the game; I don’t agree

Duckin’ and dancin’; just foolin’ around; but that’s not me... no no

I can’t fight it; can’t even hide it; when you’re with me… Honey,

I’m workin’ the game, just a building my name, you wouldn’t believe


Lock up your door, throw out the key,

Jump on the back and ride with me!

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Words & Music by Antony Griffiths & Pete Nash

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Verse 1

Sometimes I can’t sleep at night 

Sometimes I just sleep in the day time 

Sometimes it all feels right

Just walking around the streets at night

Verse 2

Sometimes with the radio up 

Sometimes the miles just cruise by 

Sometimes I just want to see you 

Hanging around with nothing to do

Chorus 1

Sometimes nothing fills my head; it’s alright

Sometimes nothing leaves my head; it’s alright

Verse 3

Sometimes I can’t help thinking 

Sometimes I wish I could do so 

Sometimes everything’s better 

Your blues eyes shining by the river

Middle 8

Oooh your blue eyes shining, down by the river x 4


Chorus 2

Chorus 3

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Heaven & Hell

Words & Music by Antony Griffiths & Pete Nash

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Verse 1

I’m leaving today on the last train,

it’s the last train there’ll ever be...

I’m leaving today, never looking back..

And all that is left for me...

Chorus 1

Is just walking the line,

Walkin’ the line,

Between Heaven and Hell…

Between Heaven and Hell…

Verse 2

The dice has been called, it’s not my choice... 

I’m falling in line with the crew

I’ll see you again on the other side,

They didn’t choose me they chose you...

Chorus 2

I’ll be walking the line,

You find me walking the line,

Between Heaven and Hell...

Between Heaven and Hell...

Middle 8/Solo

Verse 3

The carriage is full of those people,

There ain’t nothing to see but the floor,

The light is replaced by the darkness,

This is our final tour.

Chorus 3

I’ll be walking the line,

I’ll be walking the line,

Between Heaven and Hell…

Heaven and Hell...

Between Heaven and Hell..

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Chasing The Dream

Words & Music by Pete Nash & Antony Griffiths

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Seeing you the last time,

It always seemed unlikely we’d be here. 

Floating in this capsule,

Waiting for a time for us to land.

Chorus 1

But back at the launch-site, when you looked into my eyes,

We never thought we’d question why.

And under the search-lights, when you held onto my hand,

It never occurred to us we’d die.

Chorus 2

Back at the launch-site, when you looked into my eyes,

We never thought we’d question why.

And under the searchlights, when you held onto my hand,

It never occurred to us we’d die.

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The Last Of Us

Words & Music by Pete Nash & Antony Griffiths

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Verse 1


You’re so far away from me….

I want you here, I want you near… I want you near me again.

Verse 2

Too late!

Too late to find my way

We’re a million miles away, and I don’t know how to say, this is the end… for us


And here inside, when I look outside I see nothing

Nothing at all…

And where were going, no one knows, I can’t help thinking no one ever knew

At all!

Verse 3

Goodbye humanity, 

Farewell the good and bad

We did our best, but you did the rest, and now… this is the last of us.

Middle 8

Were the last of the human race, floating and drifting away;

…and we’re running out of time.

We’ve nothing to call our home, just a memory, and a dream…

Goodbye Planet Earth.

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